When you teach your child a sound, try to say it clearly without adding any additional sounds to the end. This is often referred to as using pure sounds, which is when we say the sounds as cleanly as possible and try not to add 'uh' to the end of the sound.
Why is it important?
It makes it easier for your child to blend the sounds if we don't add any extra sounds to the end.
Top Tip:
Some sounds are tricky to say without adding an 'uh' e.g. d, g, b, p. If we use a loud voice, we tend to add an uh sound to the end. Try whispering and using a soft voice.
d g b p
Place your hand on your throat while you make the sound. It will feel different if you add an uh to the end.
The Phase 2-4 Flashcards contain sound cards.