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Phase 4: Spelling CVCC words - Mixed Up Letters

If your child is getting the hang of reading CVCC words, you could try this activity to support them with segmenting to spell them.

Choose a CVCC word and place the magnetic letters on a baking tray so they are all mixed up.

Say the word to your child and get them to sound it out, placing the letters in the correct order e.g. milk, m-i-l-k.

Here are some other words you could use:

CVCC: tent, belt, dent, wind, land, best, lost, camp, next, melt, gift, jump, lift, land


Some children miss out the first adjacent consonant e.g. writing mik for milk. By giving your child the exact letters they need, you can look at any letters that are left over and talk about where it goes in the word.

The magnetic letters contain blue letters for consonants and red letters for vowels. This also helps your child to spell as they become familiar with the blue, red, blue, blue pattern.

Extend: Add Phase 3 Sounds

Once your child is familiar with spelling CVCC words you could include words containing Phase 3 sounds where 2/3 letters work together to make 1 sound. Even though the words below have 5 letters they are still CVCC words because the o and a are working together to make a vowel digraph (oa) and the c and h are working together to make a consonant digraph (ch).

Words using Phase 3 graphemes:

roast (r-oa-s-t)

bench (b-e-n-ch)

paint (p-ai-n-t)

toast (t-oa-s-t)

chimp (ch-i-m-p)


If your child is confident with spelling CVCC words you could try spelling two-syllable words. Ask your child to clap as they say the word to help break it into syllables e.g. sand/pit. Ask them to spell the first syllable e.g. s-a-n-d and then the second syllable e.g. p-i-t.

Two-Syllable Words:

children (child/ren)

sandpit (sand/pit)

lunchbox (lunch/box)

sandwich (sand/wich)

pondweed (pond/weed)

melting (melt/ing)





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