Phase Three: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch
Ask your child what sound they can hear at the start of chocolate and chip. Show them the ch flashcard and explain that this is a digraph where the c and h work together to make the ch sound.
Play chocolate chip cookie bingo to warm up. Each player needs a cookie bingo board. Shuffle the Phase 3 flashcards listed at the top of the page and place them face down. Turn the flashcards over one at a time and say the sound. If you have it on your cookie, cover it with a chocolate button. The first player to cover all of their sounds is the winner.
When your child starts to read words containing digraphs, you can draw a line underneath the letters to remind them that two letters work together to make one sound. For this activity, use a chocolate finger and chocolate buttons underneath single letter sounds.
Make the word chip using magnetic letters. Underline the ch sound using a chocolate finger and the i and p sounds using chocolate buttons. Encourage your child to say each sound then blend them together to say the word e.g. ch-i.p, chip.
Other words you could use:
chop (ch-o-p)
chin (ch-i-n)
check (ch-e-ck)
chill (ch-i-ll)
such (s-u-ch)
much (m-u-ch)
Place the chocolate fingers and buttons on the dry wipe board but don't add the magnetic letters. Say one of the words from the list above to your child and get them to put the letters in the correct order to spell the word. Encourage them to say the whole word first and then segment it into individual sounds e.g. check, ch-e-ck. The ch would go above the chocolate finger and the other letters would each go above a chocolate button.
You could also fill your phonics box lid with hot chocolate powder and have a go at writing words in the powder.
If you fancy making real chocolate chip cookies, I highly recommend this recipe. They always turn out crispy at the edges and soft and chewy in the middle - perfect!