Cheerio Tic Tac Toe

This is a twist on an old classic - tic tac toe or noughts and crosses.

Make a grid using 9 flashcards. You could choose word or sound cards for this game. The cards in the picture are phase 3 tricky words from Set 1.

Give each player a set of counters We used different types of cereal (cheerios and rice crispies) because we played whilst eating breakfast, but you could use something else like different coloured lego bricks or 2 different coins.

Take turns to pick a card, read it then cover it using a counter. Will anyone be able to cover 3 cards in a straight line? The line could be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

At the end, they can eat the cereal. You could choose new cards and play again.

Flashcards used:

You could also play with these sets:


Year 1:
